The Masked Singer aired its first episode on January 2, 2019 and is getting some big time reviews. The show is hosted by well known television host Nick Cannon and features a panel of four judges. The judges this season are Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong, and Nicole Scherzinger. The show portrays celebrities dressed in obnoxious costumes covering their whole body and face. Currently the show is on it's fifth week of competition and is going to continue as the competition progresses. Throughout the show twelve celebrities will compete against each other in "face off rounds" where one will be put up for elimination and the other will be safe for the week after performing a song of their choice. The celebrity or "the masked singer" will first have to perform a song on their own.
The show involves the audience in a mobile voting app to decide who wins the face off and will continue to the next week. I've recently watched three episodes and I love it. You get so caught up in finding out who the celebrity is and it eats you up inside. The judges panel also gives some interesting insight into who the talent might be but sometimes their guesses are ridiculous. Throughout the 45 minute show each character has a small video clip giving clues to who they could be and their background story. I recently watched an episode with my boyfriend and it was interesting to see our different takes on who we thought was who. I noticed some voices right off the bat and one of the performers he guessed correctly before he even performed solely based on the short clues video clip.
I was very skeptical of the show at first the idea seemed a little farfetched to me from the previews but after episode one I was hooked. When I tune in to the show it takes everything I have not to look up who the singers are behind the crazy head to toe costumes. The first episode featured some great talent where you could tell who was a professional and the ones without vocal training really stood out. The contestant that impressed me the most was 'Monster' who performed Queen's Don't Stop Me, now blew me out of the water. However, it was crazy to me that after his competitor the 'Unicorn' beat him and sent him into the elimination round. I was excited he was not eliminated from the bottom three so I could see him perform again.
Another huge drawl to the show for me is the crazy costumes the performers wear. The costumes are elaborate and cover the whole body. Typically the outfits are chosen by the singer for a specific reason or for a specific cause. The designer of the amazing outfits is Marina Toybina and has designed outfits for other artists like Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, and Miley Cyrus.
Only after a few episodes I can definitely say this show is worth all the attention it is getting. The recent google user survey said that 88% of people like the new show. If you want to catch up on the season all episodes stream on Hulu as they air live. The live show is broadcasted on Wednesdays at 8:00 on Fox.
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