The Masked Singer aired its first episode on January 2, 2019 and is getting some big time reviews. The show is hosted by well known television host Nick Cannon and features a panel of four judges. The judges this season are Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong, and Nicole Scherzinger. The show portrays celebrities dressed in obnoxious costumes covering their whole body and face. Currently the show is on it's fifth week of competition and is going to continue as the competition progresses. Throughout the show twelve celebrities will compete against each other in "face off rounds" where one will be put up for elimination and the other will be safe for the week after performing a song of their choice. The celebrity or "the masked singer" will first have to perform a song on their own. The show involves the audience in a mobile voting app to decide who wins the face off and will continue to the next week. I've recently watched three episodes and I ...